Does Azithromycin Antibiotic Cause Babies to Have Diarrhea

This leaflet is for parents and carers virtually how to use this medicine in children. Our information may differ from that provided by the manufacturers, because their information usually relates to adults. Read this leaflet carefully. Go along it somewhere safe so that you tin can read it again.

If your child has e'er had a reaction to whatsoever medicine, tell your doctor before giving Azithromycin.

Contents of this leaflet

  • Name of medicine
  • Why is it of import for my child to take Azithromycin?
  • What is Azithromycin bachelor as?
  • When should I requite Azithromycin
  • How much should I give?
  • How should I give Azithromycin?
  • When should the medicine start working
  • What if my child is sick (vomits)?
  • What if I forget to give it?
  • What if I give too much?
  • Are there any possible side effects?
  • Side furnishings you must do something virtually
  • Other side-effects you need to know well-nigh
  • Tin other medicines be given at the same time equally Azithromycin?
  • Is at that place anything else I demand to know near this medicine?
  • General advice about antibiotics
  • Where should I go along this medicine?
  • Who to contact for more than information?

Name of medicine


Brand name: Zithromax

Why is it important for my child to take Azithromycin?

Information technology is of import that your child takes this medicine in the way that your physician has told you lot to then that it kills the bacteria and gets rid of the infection.

What is Azithromycin available as?

  • Tablets: 250 mg, 500 mg
  • Capsules: 250 mg
  • Liquid medicine (suspension): 200 mg in 5 mL; some may contain a small amount of sugar

When should I give Azithromycin

Azithromycin is usually given once each solar day. This is unremarkably in the morning time.

Give the medicine at nigh the aforementioned time(southward) each day so that this becomes part of your child's daily routine, which will help you to remember.

How much should I give?

Your doctor will work out the corporeality of Azithromycin (the dose) that is right for your child. The dose will be shown on the medicine characterization.

Information technology is of import that yous follow your dr.'due south instructions near how much to requite.

How should I give Azithromycin?


Azithromycin tablets and liquid can exist taken with or without food, only the capsules should be taken an hour before food or two hours subsequently food.


  • Tablets should be swallowed with a glass of h2o, squash or juice. Your child should not chew the tablet.


  • Capsules should be swallowed with a drinking glass of water, squash or juice. Your kid should non chew the capsule.

Liquid medicine

  • Shake the medicine well. Measure out the right amount using an oral syringe or a medicine spoon. Yous tin can get these from your chemist. Do not apply a kitchen teaspoon as it will non requite the right amount.

When should the medicine start working?

The medicine will start to piece of work straight away but information technology may take 2–iii days before your child starts to feel better.

It is important that they take the whole grade of medicine that has been prescribed. Practice not cease early.

What if my kid is sick (vomits)?

  • If your child is ill less than thirty minutes after having a dose of Azithromycin, requite them the same dose again.
  • If your child is sick more than 30 minutes after having a dose of Azithromycin, do not give them another dose. Wait until the next normal dose.

If your child is sick again, seek advice from your family md, nurse, pharmacist, or hospital. They will decide what to practise based on your child's condition and the specific medicine involved.

What if I forget to give information technology?

Give the missed dose when you remember during the day, as long as this is at least 12 hours before the next dose of Azithromycin is due.

What if I give too much?

You lot are unlikely to cause harm if you lot give an actress dose of Azithromycin by mistake. If you are concerned that you may have given as well much, contact your doctor or local NHS services (details at end of leaflet). Accept the medicine or packaging with you lot if yous telephone for communication.

Are there any possible side effects?

We employ medicines to brand our children better, but sometimes they have other effects that nosotros don't want (side effects).

Side effects yous must do something about

If your child is brusque of breath or is wheezing, or their face, lips or natural language start to swell, or they develop a rash, they may be allergic to Azithromycin. Take your child to hospital or phone for an ambulance straight away.

Other side-effects you lot demand to know about

  • Contact your dr. or local NHS services (details at end of leaflet) or have your child to hospital if they:
    • have diarrhoea that lasts for more than than four days or it is severe, watery or contains blood.
    • are drowsy, floppy or exercise not answer.
  • Your child may get headaches when taking azithromycin and they may feel sleepy or say they have a funny gustatory modality in their mouth. These side-effects usually go once they finish taking the medicine.
  • Some children go diarrhoea, breadbasket pains and may experience sick or be ill (vomit) when they first start taking Azithromycin. See the information on antibiotics below for communication on what to do.

  • Your child may develop a rash or itch.

At that place may sometimes be other side effects that are not listed above. If you notice anything unusual and are concerned, contact your doctor. You tin report any suspected side effects to a United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland safety scheme at world wide kingdom/ yellowcard

Can other medicines exist given at the same time as Azithromycin?

  • Yous can give your child medicines that contain paracetamol or ibuprofen, unless your doc has told y'all not to.
  • Azithromycin should not exist taken with some medicines. Tell your doctor or pharmacist most any other medicines your child is taking earlier giving Azithromycin.
  • Bank check with your doctor or pharmacistearliergiving any other medicines to your child. This includes herbal and complementary medicines.
  • If your kid takes medicines for indigestion (antacids), give these at a unlike time of day from Azithromycin. Leave a gap of at least two hours betwixt giving Azithromycin and the indigestion medicines.

Is in that location anything else I need to know almost this medicine?

  • Azithromycin is a type of antibody called a macrolide. Your kid should non have Azithromycin if they are allergic to any macrolide antibiotics (for case, Erythromycin or Clarithromycin).
  • If your kid has ever had an allergic reaction or whatever other type of reaction to a medicine, tell your doctor before giving Azithromycin.
  • Azithromycin tablets and liquid tin exist taken with or without food just the capsules should be taken an hour before food or two hours after nutrient.

Full general advice well-nigh antibiotics

  • It is vital that your childcompletes the class of antibody. This ways that they must take the medicine for the number of days that the dr. has told yous, or until all the tablets or capsules accept been taken.
  • Your kid volition probably start to experience improve soon afterwards starting to take the antibiotic. However, it takes a few days for the antibiotic to kill all the leaner.
  • If you stop giving the antibiotic likewise soon, the bacteria that are left volition commencement to multiply over again, and may crusade another infection.
  • There is also a risk that these leaner will be 'resistant' to the first antibody. This means that it might non work side by side time, and your child might need a different antibiotic, which might not piece of work as well or cause more side effects.
  • Children are sometimes sick (vomit) or get diarrhoea when taking antibiotics. Encourage them to drinkable water to replace the fluid they take lost. You can also buy oral rehydration fluid from your chemist.
  • Practise not requite your child any medicine to stop the diarrhoea unless your doctor has told yous to.
  • Try to give the antibiotic at virtually the same time(southward) each day, to help you recall, and to brand sure that there is the right corporeality of medicine in your kid's trunk to kill the bacteria.
  • Only give this medicine to your child for their current infection.
  • Never save medicine for future illnesses. Give one-time or unused antibiotics to your pharmacist to dispose of.
  • Only requite the antibiotic to the kid it was prescribed for. Never requite it to anyone else, even if their condition appears to be the same, as it could do harm.
  • Antibiotics but kill bacteria; they do not kill viruses. This means that they do not work against colds, sore throats, flu or other infections that are acquired by viruses. Your doctor will not prescribe antibiotics for these illnesses.

If you think someone else may have taken the medicine past accident, contact your doctor for advice.

Where should I keep this medicine?

  • Proceed the medicine in a closet, away from heat and direct sunlight.
  • You may need to go on liquid medicine in the fridge – bank check the instructions on the bottle. Make sure the medicine does not freeze.
  • Make sure that children cannot see or reach the medicine.
  • Go along the medicine in the container it came in.

Who to contact for more information?

Your child's doctor, pharmacist or nurse volition be able to give you more information about Azithromycin and about other medicines used to care for infections.

Copyright disclaimer

Version [two]. © NPPG, RCPCH and WellChild, all rights reserved. Review past August 2022.

The primary source for the information in this leaflet is the British National Formulary for Children. For details on whatever other sources used for this leaflet, please contact us through our website,

We accept bang-up care to brand sure that the data in this leaflet is correct and upwardly-to-date. Still, medicines can be used in unlike means for different patients. It is important that you enquire the advice of your doctor or chemist if you are not sure about something. This leaflet is most the use of these medicines in the UK, and may not apply to other countries. The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH), the Neonatal and Paediatric Pharmacists Group (NPPG), WellChild and the contributors and editors cannot exist held responsible for the accurateness of data, omissions of data, or any deportment that may be taken as a result of reading this leaflet.


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