When Climbing a Mountain We Can Observe Transitions in Biological Communities


1) "How exercise seed-eating animals affect the distribution and abundance of the trees?" This question
A) would require an elaborate experimental design to answer.
B) would be difficult to answer because a big experimental area would be required.
C) would be difficult to answer considering a long-term experiment would be required.
D) is one that a nowadays-day ecologist would exist likely to ask.
E) All options are correct.


2) Which of the following levels of ecological organization is bundled in the correct sequence from well-nigh to to the lowest degree inclusive?
A) community, ecosystem, individual, population
B) ecosystem, customs, population, individual
C) population, ecosystem, individual, community
D) individual, population, community, ecosystem
Eastward) private, customs, population, ecosystem


three) Which of the following examples of an ecological outcome leading to an evolutionary outcome is nigh correct?
A) When seeds are not plentiful, trees produce more seeds.
B) A few organisms of a larger population survive a drought and and so these survivors emigrate to less barren environments.
C) A few individuals with denser fur survive the coldest days of an water ice age, and the reproducing survivors of the water ice historic period all have long fur.
D) Fish that swim the fastest in running h2o catch the almost casualty and more easily escape predation.
Eastward) The insects that spend the most time exposed to sunlight accept the most mutations.


4) Which of the following might exist an investigation of microclimate?
A) the effect of ambient temperature on the onset of caribou migration
B) the seasonal population fluctuation of nurse sharks in coral reef communities
C) competitive interactions between diverse species of songbirds during leap migration
D) the outcome of sunlight intensity on species limerick in a decomposable rat carcass
Due east) the result of different nitrogen applications on corn productivity


five) Which of the post-obit choices includes all of the others in creating global terrestrial climates?
A) differential heating of Earth's surface
B) sea currents
C) global air current patterns
D) evaporation of water from ocean surfaces
E) Earth'southward rotation on its axis


vi) Why is the climate drier on the leeward side of mountain ranges that are subjected to prevailing winds?
A) Deserts usually are establish on the leeward side of mountain ranges.
B) The sun illuminates the leeward side of mount ranges at a more directly bending, converting to rut energy, which evaporates most of the water present.
C) Pushed by the prevailing winds on the windward side, air is forced to ascension, cool, condense, and drop its precipitation, leaving just dry air to descend the leeward side.
D) Air masses pushed by the prevailing winds are stopped by mountain ranges and the moisture is used up in the stagnant air masses on the leeward side.
Due east) More than organisms live on the sheltered, leeward side of mount ranges where their utilization of water lowers the amount available when compared to the windward side.


7) What would be the effect on climate in the temperature latitudes if Globe were to wearisome its rate of rotation from a 24-hour flow of rotation to a 48-hour menstruum of rotation?
A) Seasons would exist longer and more than distinct (colder winters and warmer summers).
B) There would be a smaller range between daytime loftier and nighttime depression temperatures.
C) Large scale weather condition events such equally tornadoes and hurricanes would no longer exist a part of regional climates.
D) Wintertime seasons in both the northern and southern hemispheres would have more abundant and frequent precipitation events.
E) The climate would stay the aforementioned. The only modify would be longer days and nights.


8) Palm trees and subtropical plants are commonplace in Land'southward End, England, whose latitude is the equivalent of Labrador in coastal Canada where the local flora is subarctic. Which argument best explains why this apparent anomaly exists between Due north America and Europe?
A) Labrador does not get enough rainfall to support the subtropical flora found in Land's End.
B) Warm ocean currents collaborate with England, whereas cold bounding main currents interact with Labrador.
C) Rainfall fluctuates profoundly in England; rainfall is consistently high in Labrador.
D) Labrador is too windy to back up tall plants, such every bit palm copse.
E) Labrador receives sunlight of lower duration and intensity than does Land's End.


9) Which statement describes how climate might change if Earth was 75% land and 25% water?
A) Terrestrial ecosystems would likely experience more atmospheric precipitation.
B) Earth'southward daytime temperatures would exist higher and dark temperatures lower.
C) Summers would exist longer and winters shorter at midlatitude locations.
D) Earth would experience an unprecedented global warming.
East) More than terrestrial microclimates would be created because of daily fluctuations in climate.


10) Which of the following abiotic factors has the greatest influence on the metabolic rates of plants and animals?
A) water
B) wind
C) temperature
D) rocks and soil
East) disturbances


11) In mountainous areas of western Northward America, due north-facing slopes would be expected to
A) receive more sunlight than similar southern exposures.
B) exist warmer and drier than comparable southern exposed slopes.
C) consistently exist steeper than southern exposures.
D) back up biological communities similar to those plant at lower elevations on similar south-facing slopes.
E) support biological communities similar to those found at higher elevations on similar south-facing slopes.


12) Deserts typically occur in a band at 20 degrees n and southward latitude because
A) descending air masses tend to be cool and dry.
B) merchandise winds have a niggling wet.
C) wet-laden air is heavier than dry out air and is not carried to these latitudes.
D) ascending air tends to exist moist.
E) these locations get the most intense solar radiation of any location on Earth.


13) Which of the following events might you lot predict to occur if the tilt of Globe's axis relative to its plane of orbit was increased to 33 i/two degrees?
A) Summers and winters in the United states of america would likely become warmer and colder, respectively.
B) Winters and summers in Australia would probable become less singled-out seasons.
C) Seasonal variation at the equator might subtract.
D) Both northern and southern hemispheres would experience summertime and winter at the same time.
Due east) Both poles would experience massive ice melts.


14) Imagine some catholic catastrophe jolts Earth so that its centrality is perpendicular to the orbital plane between World and the dominicus. The most obvious effect of this change would be
A) the elimination of tides.
B) an increase in the length of night.
C) an increment in the length of a year.
D) a subtract in temperature at the equator.
E) the elimination of seasonal variation.


fifteen) The main reason polar regions are libation than the equator is that
A) there is more ice at the poles.
B) sunlight strikes the poles at a lower angle.
C) the poles are further from the sun.
D) the polar temper is thinner and contains fewer greenhouse gases.
East) the poles are permanently tilted away from the sunday.


sixteen) Which of the following environmental features might influence microclimates?
A) woods canopy
B) freshly plowed field
C) log on the forest floor
D) large bedrock
E) All of the options are right.


17) The success with which plants extend their range n following glacial retreat is best determined by
A) whether at that place is simultaneous migration of herbivores.
B) their tolerance to shade.
C) their seed dispersal rate.
D) their size.
E) their growth charge per unit.


18) As climate changes because of global warming, species' ranges in the northern hemisphere may move due north, using constructive reproductive adaptations to disperse their seeds. The trees that are well-nigh probable to avoid extinction in such an environment are those that
A) have seeds that are easily dispersed by air current or animals.
B) have thin seed coats.
C) produce well-provisioned seeds.
D) take seeds that become viable just after a wood fire.
Due east) disperse many seeds in close proximity to the parent tree.


nineteen) Generalized global air circulation and precipitation patterns are caused by
A) ascension, warm, moist air masses that cool and release precipitation every bit they ascent then, at high altitude, cool and sink back to the surface equally dry out air masses later moving north or southward of the tropics.
B) air masses that are dried and heated over continental areas that ascension, absurd aloft, and descend over oceanic areas followed past a return flow of moist air from body of water to state, delivering high amounts of precipitation to coastal areas.
C) polar, cool, moist high-pressure air masses from the poles that movement along the surface, releasing precipitation along the way to the equator where they are heated and dried.
D) the revolution of Globe around the lord's day.
Eastward) mountain ranges that deflect air masses containing variable amounts of moisture.


twenty) Air masses formed over the Pacific Ocean are moved by prevailing westerlies where they come across all-encompassing north-southward mountain ranges, such every bit the Sierra Nevada and the Cascades. Which statement best describes the outcome of this meet betwixt a landform and an air mass?
A) The absurd, moist Pacific air heats up every bit it rises, releasing its precipitation as information technology passes the tops of the mountains, and this warm, now dry air cools as it descends on the leeward side of the range.
B) The warm, moist Pacific air rises and cools, releasing precipitation as information technology moves up the windward side of the range, and this cool, at present dry air mass heats up as information technology descends on the leeward side of the range.
C) The cool, dry Pacific air heats up and picks up moisture from evaporation of the snowcapped peaks of the mountain range, releasing this moisture every bit precipitation when the air cools while descending on the leeward side of the range.
D) These air masses are blocked by the mountain ranges, producing loftier almanac amounts of atmospheric precipitation on the windward sides of these mount ranges.
Eastward) These air masses remain essentially unchanged in moisture content and temperature as they pass over these mount ranges.


21) If global warming continues at its present rate, which biomes will likely take the place of the coniferous forest (taiga)?
A) tundra and polar water ice
B) temperate broadleaf woods and grassland
C) desert and chaparral
D) tropical forest and savanna
Eastward) chaparral and temperate broadleaf forest


22) Which of the post-obit are important biotic factors that can affect the structure and organization of biological communities?
A) precipitation, wind
B) food availability, soil pH
C) predation, competition
D) temperature, water
E) light intensity, seasonality


23) Which of the following can be said about low-cal in aquatic environments?
A) Water selectively reflects and absorbs certain wavelengths of low-cal.
B) Photosynthetic organisms that live in deep water probably use carmine light.
C) Longer wavelengths penetrate to greater depths.
D) Calorie-free penetration seldom limits the distribution of photosynthetic species.
E) Most photosynthetic organisms avoid the surface where the light is too intense.


24) Coral reefs can be found on the southern east declension of the United States but not at similar latitudes on the southern due west coast. Differences in which of the following virtually likely business relationship for this?
A) sunlight intensity
B) atmospheric precipitation
C) day length
D) sea currents
E) salinity


25) Which of the post-obit investigations would shed the almost low-cal on the distribution of organisms in temperate regions that are faced with climate change?
A) Remove, to the mineral soil, all of the organisms from an experimental plot and monitor the colonization of the area over time in terms of both species multifariousness and abundance.
B) Look back at the changes that occurred since the Ice Age and how species redistributed as glaciers melted, then make predictions on hereafter distribution in species based on past trends.
C) Compare and contrast the flora and animate being of warm/cold/dry out/moisture climates to shed light on how they evolved to be suited to their nowadays-day surroundings.
D) Quantify the impact of man's activities on present-twenty-four hour period populations of threatened and endangered species to appraise the rate of extirpation and extinction.
Due east) At that place is no scientific investigation that can help make predictions on the future distribution of organisms.


26) Which series is correctly layered from top to bottom in a tropical pelting woods?
A) ground layer, shrub/immature layer, under story, canopy, emergent layer
B) canopy, emergent layer, under story, shrub/immature layer, ground layer
C) canopy, under story, shrub/young layer, emergent layer, footing layer
D) emergent layer, canopy, under story, shrub/immature layer, footing layer
East) emergent layer, nether story, awning, ground layer, shrub/immature layer


27) What is the limiting gene for the growth of trees in the tundra?
A) low precipitation
B) cold temperatures
C) bereft minerals in boulder
D) pH of soils
Eastward) permafrost


28) Generally speaking, deserts are located in places where air masses are usually
A) tropical.
B) boiling.
C) rising.
D) descending.
E) expanding.


29) Turnover of h2o in temperate lakes during the jump and fall is made possible past which of the following?
A) warm, less dense water layered at the summit
B) common cold, more than dense water layered at the bottom
C) a distinct thermocline betwixt less dense warm water and common cold, dense h2o
D) the changes in the density of water as seasonal temperatures change
E) currents generated by nektonic animals


xxx) In temperate lakes, the surface water is replenished with nutrients during turnovers that occur in the
A) autumn and spring.
B) fall and winter.
C) spring and summer.
D) summer and winter.
Eastward) summer and autumn.


31) Which of the post-obit is responsible for the differences in summer and wintertime temperature stratification of deep temperate zone lakes?
A) H2o is densest at iv°C.
B) Oxygen is well-nigh arable in deeper waters.
C) Winter water ice sinks in the summertime.
D) Stratification is acquired by a thermocline.
E) Stratification always follows the fall and spring turnovers.


32) Imagine that a deep temperate zone lake did not "turn over" during the spring and fall seasons. Based on the physical and biological properties of limnetic ecosystems, what would be the difference from normal seasonal turnover?
A) The lake would be uniformly common cold during the winter and summer.
B) The lake would fail to freeze over in winter.
C) An algal bloom of algae would result every spring.
D) Lakes would suffer a food depletion in surface layers.
E) The pH of the lake would become increasingly alkaline.


33) Which marine zone would have the lowest rates of primary productivity (photosynthesis)?
A) pelagic
B) deep-sea
C) neritic
D) continental shelf
E) intertidal


34) If you are interested in observing a relatively simple community structure in a clear water lake, you lot would do well to choose diving into
A) an oligotrophic lake.
B) a eutrophic lake.
C) a relatively shallow lake.
D) a nutrient-rich lake.
E) a lake with consistently warm temperatures.


35) Which of the following statements about the ocean pelagic biome is truthful?
A) The ocean is a vast, deep storehouse that always provides sustenance; information technology is the next "frontier" for feeding humanity.
B) Because it is then immense, the pelagic ocean biome is globally compatible.
C) Globally, more photosynthesis occurs in the ocean neritic biome than in the pelagic biome.
D) Pelagic ocean photosynthetic activity is disproportionately low in relation to the size of the biome.
E) The most abundant animals are vertebrate fishes.


36) If a meteor bear on or volcanic eruption injected a lot of dust into the atmosphere and reduced the sunlight reaching Earth's surface by 70% for one year, which of the following marine communities nearly likely would exist to the lowest degree afflicted?
A) deep-bounding main vent
B) coral reef
C) intertidal
D) pelagic
E) estuary


37) Which of the examples below provides appropriate abiotic and biotic factors that might determine the distribution of the species in question?
A) the amount of nitrate and phosphate in the soil, and wildflower abundance and multifariousness
B) the number of frost-free days, and competition between species of introduced grasses and native alpine grasses
C) increased predation and decreased nutrient availability, and a prairie domestic dog population later a prairie fire
D) bachelor sunlight and increased salinity in the height few meters of the ocean, and the affluence and diversity of phytoplankton communities
Eastward) the pH and dissolved oxygen concentration, and the streams in which brook trout tin live


38) A certain species of pino tree survives only in scattered locations at elevations to a higher place 2,800 g in the western United states of america. To understand why this tree grows just in these specific places, an ecologist should
A) conclude that lower elevations are limiting to the survival of this species.
B) report the beefcake and physiology of this species.
C) investigate the various biotic and abiotic factors that are unique to high distance.
D) clarify the soils constitute in the vicinity of these trees, looking for unique chemicals that may support their growth.
Eastward) collect data on temperature, current of air, and precipitation at several of these locations for a year.


39) Species introduced by humans to new geographic locations
A) are commonly successful in colonizing the area.
B) always spread because they encounter none of their natural predators.
C) increase the diversity and therefore the stability of the ecosystem.
D) can outcompete and readapt native species for biotic and abiotic resources.
Eastward) are ever considered pests by ecologists.


xl) Which of the following statements best describes the effect of climate on biome distribution?
A) Average annual temperature and precipitation are sufficient to predict which biome will exist establish in an area.
B) Seasonal fluctuation of temperature is not a limiting factor in biome distribution if areas take the same almanac temperature and precipitation ways.
C) Not only is the average climate important in determining biome distribution but so is the pattern of climatic variation.
D) Temperate forests and grasslands are dissimilar biomes considering they receive a different quality and quantity of sunlight, even though they accept essentially the same annual temperature and precipitation.
E) Correlation of climate with biome distribution is sufficient to determine the cause of biome patterns.


41) In the development of terrestrial biomes, which factor is most dependent on all the others?
A) the species of colonizing animals
B) prevailing temperature
C) prevailing rainfall
D) mineral nutrient availability
E) soil structure


42) Two plant species alive in the aforementioned biome but on different continents. Although the two species are not at all closely related, they may appear quite similar as a issue of
A) parallel evolution.
B) convergent evolution.
C) allopatric speciation.
D) introgression.
Due east) gene menstruation.


43) In which of the following terrestrial biome pairs are both parts dependent upon periodic burning?
A) tundra and coniferous wood
B) chaparral and savanna
C) desert and savanna
D) tropical forest and temperate broadleaf forest
E) grassland and tundra


44) Fire suppression by humans
A) volition always result in an increment in species multifariousness in a given biome.
B) can change the species limerick inside biological communities.
C) volition result ultimately in sustainable production of increased amounts of forest products for homo use.
D) is necessary for the protection of threatened and endangered forest species.
E) is a management goal of conservation biologists to maintain the healthy condition of forest communities.


45) Which of the post-obit statements best describes the interaction between fire and ecosystems?
A) The likelihood of a wildfire occurring in a given ecosystem is highly predictable over the curt term.
B) Many kinds of plants and plant communities have adapted to frequent fires.
C) The suppression of forest fires past man has prevented certain communities, such as grasslands, from reaching their climax stage.
D) Chaparral communities have evolved to the extent that they rarely burn down.
E) Burn down is unnatural in ecosystems and should exist prevented.


46) In which community would organisms well-nigh likely have adaptations enabling them to respond to different photoperiods?
A) tropical wood
B) coral reef
C) savanna
D) temperate wood
E) abyssal


47) The growing season would generally be shortest in which of the following biomes?
A) savanna
B) temperate broadleaf forest
C) temperate grassland
D) tropical pelting forest
East) coniferous forest


48) Trees are not unremarkably establish in the tundra biome considering of
A) insufficient annual atmospheric precipitation.
B) acidic soils.
C) extreme winter temperatures.
D) overbrowsing by musk ox and caribou.
Due east) permafrost.


49) Studying species transplants is a way that ecologists
A) determine the affluence of a species in a specified surface area.
B) decide the distribution of a species in a specified area.
C) develop mathematical models for distribution and abundance of organisms.
D) determine if dispersal is a fundamental factor in limiting distribution of organisms.
E) consolidate a landscape region into a single ecosystem.


card image

The 8 climographs below show yearly temperature (line graph and left vertical centrality) and atmospheric precipitation (bar graph and right vertical axis) averages for each calendar month for some locations on World. Choose the climograph that all-time answers the question or completes the statement. Climographs may exist used once, more than in one case, or not at all.

l) Which climograph shows the climate for location 1?
A) A
B) C
C) Due east
D) Chiliad
Due east) H


card image

The eight climographs below testify yearly temperature (line graph and left vertical axis) and atmospheric precipitation (bar graph and right vertical axis) averages for each month for some locations on World. Cull the climograph that all-time answers the question or completes the statement. Climographs may be used once, more than than one time, or not at all.

51) Which climograph shows the climate for location 2?
A) B
B) C
C) D
D) F
E) H


card image

The eight climographs below show yearly temperature (line graph and left vertical centrality) and precipitation (bar graph and right vertical axis) averages for each month for some locations on World. Cull the climograph that best answers the question or completes the argument. Climographs may be used once, more than one time, or not at all.

52) Which climograph shows the climate for location 3?
A) B
B) C
C) D
D) East
East) F


card image

The eight climographs below show yearly temperature (line graph and left vertical axis) and precipitation (bar graph and right vertical centrality) averages for each month for some locations on Earth. Choose the climograph that best answers the question or completes the statement. Climographs may be used one time, more than one time, or not at all.

53) Which climograph shows the climate for location 4?
A) A
B) B
C) C
D) E
E) One thousand


card image

The eight climographs below prove yearly temperature (line graph and left vertical axis) and precipitation (bar graph and right vertical centrality) averages for each month for some locations on Globe. Choose the climograph that best answers the question or completes the statement. Climographs may be used once, more than once, or not at all.

54) Which climograph shows the climate for location 5?
A) A
B) C
C) D
D) E
E) H


card image

The eight climographs below show yearly temperature (line graph and left vertical centrality) and precipitation (bar graph and right vertical axis) averages for each month for some locations on Earth. Choose the climograph that best answers the question or completes the statement. Climographs may exist used once, more than in one case, or non at all.

55) Which of the following best substantiates why location 3 is an equatorial (tropical) climate?
A) It has a monsoon season during the winter months.
B) It has consistent monthly averages for rainfall.
C) The temperature is high for each monthly average.
D) The temperatures reach 100°F during some months.
Eastward) The temperatures are lower in June, July, and August.


card image

The diagram shows a generalized cantankerous section of the marine environs with various zones labeled with letters. Cull the alphabetic character that best answers the question. Letters may exist used once, more than once, or not at all

56) Which zone has a condition of constant temperature?
A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D
E) East


card image

The diagram shows a generalized cross department of the marine environment with diverse zones labeled with letters. Choose the letter of the alphabet that all-time answers the question. Letters may exist used one time, more than one time, or not at all

57) Which zone produces the most global oxygen gas?
A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D
E) E


card image

The diagram shows a generalized cross section of the marine environment with various zones labeled with letters. Choose the alphabetic character that all-time answers the question. Messages may be used once, more than than once, or non at all

58) Which zone is comprised largely of detritus-feeding organisms?
A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D
E) East


card image

The diagram shows a generalized cross section of the marine environment with various zones labeled with letters. Cull the letter of the alphabet that best answers the question. Letters may be used once, more than than one time, or not at all

59) Which zone has the lowest biomass per unit of area?
A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D
E) E


card image

The diagram shows a generalized cross section of the marine environment with various zones labeled with letters. Cull the letter of the alphabet that best answers the question. Messages may be used once, more than than once, or not at all

sixty) Which zone experiences the about abiotic change over a 24-hour period?
A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D
E) E


card image

Use the post-obit diagram from the text showing the spread of the cattle egret, Bubulcus ibis, since its arrival in the New World, to answer the following question.

61) How would an ecologist likely explain the expansion of the cattle egret?
A) The areas to which the cattle egret has expanded have no cattle egret parasites.
B) Climatic factors, such as temperature and atmospheric precipitation, provide a suitable habitat for cattle egrets.
C) There are no predators for cattle egrets in the New World, so they continue to expand their range.
D) A habitat left unoccupied by native herons and egrets met the biotic and abiotic requirements of the cattle egret transplants and their descendants.
E) The get-go egrets to colonize South America evolved into a new species capable of competing with the native species of herons and egrets.


Experts in white-tailed deer environmental generally agree that population sizes of deer that live in temperate climates are limited by winter snow. The deer congregate in "yarding" areas under evergreen copse considering venturing out to feed in winter is energetically too expensive when snowfall depths accumulate to above twoscore cm. Deer often stay yarded until the spring thaw. Snow depth over 40 inches for more than 60 days results in high bloodshed due to starvation.

62) This ascertainment best illustrates which of the following principles about factors that limit distribution of organisms?
A) Abiotic factors, such as weather extremes, ultimately limit distribution.
B) Organisms will face up extinction unless they arrange to weather condition or evolve new mechanisms for survival.
C) Environmental factors are limiting not only in amount just also in longevity.
D) Daily accumulations in snow depth gradually add up to cause increased deer bloodshed.
E) Temporary extremes in conditions conditions usually result in high bloodshed in the deer population.


In areas of permafrost, stands of black spruce are ofttimes observed in the landscape, while other tree species are noticeably absent. Oftentimes these stands are referred to as "drunken forests" because many of the black bandbox are displaced from their normal vertical alignment.

63) What might be the adaptive significance of these unusual forests growing the manner they do in this marginal habitat?
A) Needles are adapted to withstand common cold arctic temperatures.
B) Branches are adapted to absorb more than CO₂ with this displaced alignment.
C) Taproot formation is impossible, so trees developed shallow root beds.
D) Trees are tilted so snow prevents them from breaking or tipping over.
Eastward) Trees tip so that they do not compete with each other for sunlight.


64) Which of the following areas of study focuses on the exchange of free energy, organisms, and materials between ecosystems?
A) population environmental
B) organismal ecology
C) landscape ecology
D) ecosystem environmental
E) community ecology


65) Which lake zone would exist absent in a very shallow lake?
A) benthic zone
B) aphotic zone
C) pelagic zone
D) littoral zone
East) limnetic zone


66) Which of the following is true with respect to oligotrophic lakes and eutrophic lakes?
A) Oligotrophic lakes are more than subject to oxygen depletion.
B) Rates of photosynthesis are lower in eutrophic lakes.
C) Eutrophic lake water contains lower concentrations of nutrients.
D) Eutrophic lakes are richer in nutrients.
Eastward) Sediments in oligotrophic lakes incorporate larger amounts of decomposable organic matter.


67) Which of the post-obit biomes is correctly paired with the description of its climate?
A) savanna–low temperature, precipitation uniform during the year
B) tundra–long summers, mild winters
C) temperate broadleaf forest–relatively brusque growing flavor, mild winters
D) temperate grasslands–relatively warm winters, most rainfall in summer
E) tropical forests–nearly constant day length and temperature


68) Which of the following is feature of most terrestrial biomes?
A) annual average rainfall in excess of 250 cm
B) a distribution predicted nigh entirely past stone and soil patterns
C) clear boundaries between adjacent biomes
D) vegetation demonstrating vertical layering
Due east) cold winter months


69) The oceans affect the biosphere in all of the post-obit means except
A) producing a substantial amount of the biosphere'due south oxygen.
B) removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
C) moderating the climate of terrestrial biomes.
D) regulating the pH of freshwater biomes and terrestrial groundwater.
E) being the source of near of World's rainfall.


70) Which statement about dispersal is imitation?
A) Dispersal is a mutual component of the life cycles of plants and animals.
B) Colonization of devastated areas subsequently floods or volcanic eruptions depends on dispersal.
C) Dispersal occurs just on an evolutionary time scale.
D) Seeds are of import dispersal stages in the life cycles of well-nigh flowering plants.
Eastward) The ability to disperse can expand the geographic distribution of a species.


71) When climbing a mountain, we can discover transitions in biological communities that are analogous to the changes
A) in biomes at different latitudes.
B) at unlike depths in the ocean.
C) in a community through different seasons.
D) in an ecosystem equally it evolves over time.
E) beyond the United States from east to west.


72) Suppose that the number of bird species is adamant mainly by the number of vertical strata establish in the surroundings. If then, in which of the following biomes would you notice the greatest number of bird species?
A) tropical pelting forest
B) savanna
C) desert
D) temperate broadleaf forest
E) temperate grassland


73) If the direction of Earth'due south rotation reversed, the most anticipated consequence would exist
A) no more than night and twenty-four hour period.
B) a large alter in the length of the year.
C) winds blowing from westward to due east forth the equator.
D) a loss of seasonal variation at high latitudes.
E) the elimination of ocean currents.


Source: https://www.easynotecards.com/notecard_set/89380

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