Southern Tier Creme Brulee Stout Where to Buy
Crème Brûlée Imperial Milk Stout (Blackwater Series)
Southern Tier Brewing Company
Look | Smell | Taste | Feel | Overall |
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![Photo of JohnniEMc](
4.62 /5 rDev +17.9%
look: 5 | smell: 4.75 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 4.75 | overall: 4.5
Experience says that this is among the best of the desert beers. Now it's time for a critical review. Two twelve ounce cans are opened and all of the contents of one and most of the contents of the second can are fitted instead a clear glass Imperial pint mug. There's an amazing vanilla smell in the air and the beige head, preventing the entire drainage of the second can, is one of the tightest and enduring in the beer world. It adorns a beautiful black coffee colored liquid that's opaque, but reasonably bright. Behind the sharp vanilla nose hit, found is creamy sweetness, kind of like the smell gotten from an aerosol whipped cream. For its color, there's very little reference to roasted malt. There is some roasted malt bitterness in the taste. So much so that it detracts from the intended target. But, it's a mild infraction, as there's enough smooth and creamy character to carry most of the taste. Actually the stout bitterness doesn't really kick until the finish. Until then, this is an amazing liquid reminder of a pleasantly sweet desert, without the crusty covering. There's great glass lacing and a well disguised 10% ABV. Maybe not perfect, but this is one great desert beer.
Nov 26, 2021
![Photo of Sigmund](
4.05 /5 rDev +3.3%
look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 4.25
650 ml bottle, as Southern Tier Imperial Crème Brûlée Stout, courtesy of Cardinal Pub & Bar, Stavanger. ABV is 10.0%. Pitch black colour, big tan head. Intense aroma of crème brûlée and vanilla from the moment you open the bottle, amazing! The smell includes caramel, of course - but also chocolate and mild coffee. The sweet flavour is first and foremost crème brûlée again, but also roasty notes of strong coffee, dark bitter chocolate and liquorice. Also some hoppy bitterness in the finish. Warming mouthfeel. An incredible dessert beer!
May 01, 2021
![Photo of 1BrewBacca](
4.45 /5 rDev +13.5%
look: 4.5 | smell: 4.5 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 4.5 | overall: 4.25
Looks: At 9.6 ozs. should have poured it into a smaller glass. LOL. Nice thick creamy head about 1/2 inch tall. Great lacing on the glass. Smooth tan on top and strong black coffee color on the bottom.
Smell and Taste: This beer really does resemble Creme Brûlée. Vanilla, and burnt sugar on cream. Great combination.
Feel: Nitro makes it smooth and soft.
Overall: This its one of the easiest beers I have ever had the pleasure of drinking. Bumped the OA score down some because of the short pour. Should have ben packaged in a can the size of a pint. At least it would have come closer to filling my glass. I would definitely drink this one again but as an after dinner drink, like desert.
Apr 21, 2021
![Photo of jockstrappy](
3.83 /5 rDev -2.3%
look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 3.75 | feel: 3.75 | overall: 3.75
Pours a cola brown color with a very creamy beige head, 1/4" cap was present for the duration.
Nose is seriously sweet with caramel, brown sugar, sweet cream and vanilla bean.
Flavor begins with caramel and vanilla, roasted coffee flavor comes on to offer some balance. Boozy alcohol warmth plays in the background the whole time.
Finish leans toward the bitter from the coffee, the sweetness and alcohol warmth are still there though.
Viscous body and subtle carbonation let this one hang on the palate a little, but it's a desert beer in every way, so this wasn't surprising.
Not a daily drinker, good to keep a few on hand for the colder months though.
Dec 21, 2020
![Photo of Tony210](
4.34 /5 rDev +10.7%
look: 4.25 | smell: 4 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 4.25 | overall: 4.5
Pours quite dark and fairly clear, appropriate head. Aroma is dark roasted malts and vanilla. Actually tastes like a creme brûlée - complete with the sugary vanilla and the burnt sugar on the finish. Nicely done. Carbonation is appropriate. Obverse a nicely crafted beer, hits all the marks.
Bomber, no date, at least 5 years old.
4.5 rating
Nov 22, 2020
![Photo of Solder2000](
2.21 /5 rDev -43.6%
look: 5 | smell: 4 | taste: 1 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 1
The initial smell is quite nice. But then you take a sip. Utterly disgusting. I tried a second can, same. The sheer number of positive reviews required me to sign up and leave a review. I'm still trying to get the after taste out of my mouth. Absolutely do not recommend.
Nov 06, 2020
![Photo of Hard88Driver](
1 /5 rDev -74.5%
look: 1 | smell: 1 | taste: 1 | feel: 1 | overall: 1
I wish I could give these folks a ZERO but its not an option. The Creme Brûlée beers were over pressurized and for the first 3 packs of 4 beers, I opened them over the sink as they would fizz on opening. The beer was in an area with no sun and a constant 69 degrees. A few days ago 3 beers of a four pack exploded. The tops pushed up and blew off. One top severed completely where the flat and round part of the can connect. Two of those cans shot 20 feet into my home spraying beer as they traveled. The third shot upwards to the ceiling. It was a 5 hour clean up job and we are still finding areas we missed and hand washing items that had to be rack dried to remove stale, very sugary, beer. Calling friends, family and my boss to tell them to remove the gifted beer from their home was amusing. The manager where I bought them said Southern Tier had other recalls on their nitros for the same reason so BUYER BEWARE. I called the company and left a message for quality control to call me. That was three days ago and nothing. Clearly Southern Tier does not care about customer service or their customers experience with their product. Had they called back to discuss the issue I would continue to buy their beer. Instead, they have lost a customer for life. There are just too many other good brews out there that I can try instead.
Mar 04, 2020
![Photo of ExtraStout](
4.02 /5 rDev +2.6%
look: 3.5 | smell: 4.5 | taste: 4 | feel: 3.75 | overall: 3.75
Poured from the tap at Oak & Stone in Sarasota, FL. Loved the ABV (10%) but way too over-the-top sweet. You know, like that dessert you bite into and your teeth hurt. I was expecting a dessert kind of drink but wow.
Nov 21, 2019
![Photo of Bouleboubier](
3.81 /5 rDev -2.8%
look: 4 | smell: 4.25 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 4.5 | overall: 3.5
(9.6/12 oz nitro can, D. O. B. 10/24/19; purchased cold single at Shangy's.... poured into a fat tulip)
L: deep, dark brown, seemingly-murky liquid; fantastically-tight, tan, creamy foam...
S: horribly, pied-piper-ly, artificially, caramel-vanilla latte ice cream-scented candle smell - super, stupid potent, but rather Coffee-Mate quality (I recently reviewed a beer where the CM fakery was well-nigh suffocating; this may have usurped its ugly stranglehold)...
T: rather artificial, fake flavor renderings; coffee, creme, vanilla wafer... this ain't beer... an alcoholic (and deceptively so) Young's Double Choco Stout (or that barely-palatable Wells Sticky Toffee crud) violently-injected with vanilla Coffee Mate and pungent piney shrubs... mellow roasty, near-tannic bitterness lingering long
F: unsurprisingly satiny-smooth, quiet caress... mellow spicy booze activity, silky sedation in its finish... admittedly easy to slug (destroy), heaven forbid one has this at a bar while socializ-ising - too dangerously slammable
O: mercifully, my last review of the day (and I haven't yet weighed in on any of the 12 4 oz tasters at Weyerbacher midday)... had this years ago in a bomber (and/or on tap?!), but got mad confused review-wise as to whether or not I'd done it, eh?... insanely full-flavored - and of a quality of which I most nostalgically associate with Southern Tier... gotta 3- or 4-way share even a small can of this, good god (1620)
Nov 19, 2019
![Photo of neenerzig](
4.35 /5 rDev +11%
look: 4.25 | smell: 4.25 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 4.25 | overall: 4.25
Poured out of a 12 oz bottle in to a pint glass, this beer pours a very dark brow, almost black color with a tan head that's about half an inch thick when first poured. Head settles eventually to a pretty thick ring lining the inside of the glass along with some nice cluster swirls of film layer of foam on the beer's surface with good lacing. Aromas of roasted malts with a bit of caramel, vanilla and chocolate along with some milk sugars. The taste is pretty much the same, with roasted malts with a bit of caramel, vanilla and chocolate along with some milk sugars for a bit of additional sweetness. A very decadent chocolate flavor here indeed. Has a crisp, slightly oily, also smooth and creamy, full bodied mouth feel with moderate carbonation. Has a clean finish and slightly dry aftertaste. An excellent beer all around.
Jun 16, 2019
![Photo of Stephen85](
4.6 /5 rDev +17.3%
look: 3 | smell: 4.75 | taste: 4.75 | feel: 4.75 | overall: 4.5
This is delicious. Pours black with barely any dark tan head. Smells of vanilla, cherries, plums. Taste is sweet malt, vanilla and dark fruit. No bitterness at all. Very much a dessert beer.
May 18, 2019
![Photo of macrosmatic](
3.82 /5 rDev -2.6%
look: 3.5 | smell: 4 | taste: 3.75 | feel: 4 | overall: 3.75
Reviewed from (very) long-standing notes. Poured from a 22 oz. bottle into an El Catador teku glass. 2013 vintage bottle, consumed 8/31/17.
A: Very dark brown, essentially opaque, with a thin tan head. A minimum of visible carbonation, but still manages a thin tan head that lasts pretty well.
S: Big vanilla, caramel, and molasses, with lactose and roasted malts. Some sweet milk chocolate. Toffee and lighter coffee. Certainly a sweet aroma, but quite appealing frankly.
T: Yankee Candle-like vanilla, big caramel and burnt toffee. Sweet lactose, milk chocolate syrup, and mild bitter coffee. Some deep roast to the malts add a moderate bitterness, though it's snowed under by all the sweet flavors here. More sweet chocolate and vanilla (again, a bit artificial) with a touch of bitter cacao and acrid burnt toffee in the hang.
M: A nice thick body for a milk stout, with a smooth mouthfeel. Low level of carbonation sensation. The alcohol is fairly obvious, though the alcohol flavors play nicely enough with the rest of the beer.
O: Nothing I'd drink particularly often, but this is a decent dessert stout. I wish the burnt caramel didn't pull through quite as acrid and I wish the vanilla were more natural-tasting, but neither is a total deal breaker. Again, maybe one of those beers that isn't my personal preference, but it does what the label promised fairly well. Scores given are what I think fair to style, rather than personal preference.
Mar 20, 2019
![Photo of jzeilinger](
4.19 /5 rDev +6.9%
look: 4 | smell: 3.75 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 4 | overall: 4.25
In review is a 6/22/12.
A - Nice dark brown pour with no lacing and no carbonation.
S - Light chocolate char and creme with a hint of caramel and black licorice.
T - Lots of brown sugar, caramel, vanilla, soft chocolate, very delicate char. Finishes balanced and well refined. Bitterness is low and comes primarily from the chocolate.
M - Big medium body that's borderline full. Viscous, lip smacking sticky, light booziness pokes through on the back end.
O - 6 years on this bottle is pretty much magic right now. Not overly sweet by any means but well blended and presents layers of flavor. Diggin' it.
Dec 30, 2018
![Photo of beersampler6](
3.38 /5 rDev -13.8%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.25 | feel: 3.25 | overall: 3.5
Very disappointing as I'd heard strong things about this beer. But the look, aromas and taste just didn't do it for me. Looks fairly dark brown, almost black in color but no real head or lingering lacing. Smells faintly of coffee, vanilla and mocha. The taste is overwhelmingly cream soda, though, and the sweetness is just cloying. Much more faint notes of caramel, mild coffee, milk chocolate and maybe a little nuttiness. Smooth thin mouthfeel, just too heavy and sweet to notice much creaminess or thickness. Decent carbonation. I like sweet stouts but this was just too much for me, even when paired with dessert. A shame since I really enjoy this brewery's offerings.
Dec 11, 2018
![Photo of Jim0031](
4.14 /5 rDev +5.6%
look: 4 | smell: 4.25 | taste: 4.25 | feel: 3.75 | overall: 4
12 oz bottle dated 10/19/18. Smell-sweet cream, caramel and sugar. Taste- very sweet and creamy just a enough bitterness to keep it in check. Overall- a very enjoyable Milk Stout.
Dec 07, 2018
![Photo of Wolvmar](
3.4 /5 rDev -13.3%
look: 3.5 | smell: 3.5 | taste: 3.25 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3.5
12oz bottle bought at Total Wine in Sarasota.
Pour: Black/brown with small tan head. Dissipates quickly with a few clouds and thin ring.
Nose: sweet sugar and vanilla.
Taste: Sugar, burnt caramel, vanilla really sweet. Some dark fruit.
Mouthfeel: moderate carbonation. A little thinner than I expected but ok.
Overall: I usually like sweet desert beers but this was to sweet or to much vanilla, or both. Worth trying but Won't buy again.
Nov 21, 2018
![Photo of dd53grif](
4 /5 rDev +2%
look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 4 | feel: 4 | overall: 4
Pours a dark brown color with a tan head that disappears quickly. Aromas of butterscotch, caramel, vanilla and sugar. Sweet taste of butterscotch, caramel and vanilla.
Nov 21, 2018
![Photo of Ronl12](
4.18 /5 rDev +6.6%
look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 4.25 | feel: 4.25 | overall: 4.25
12 oz bottle into Southern Tier tulip. Dated 10/19/18.
Perfectly black look. Nose is vanilla chocolate coffee. Taste follows nose and stays sweet. Feel is rich and creamy. Overall an excellent desert beer.
Nov 20, 2018
![Photo of mpruden](
4.07 /5 rDev +3.8%
look: 4 | smell: 4.5 | taste: 4 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 4
Poured into two snifters (one each for my wife and me). Sweet nose — butterscotch and caramel. Color is black sitting in the glass, hints of brown around the edges when tilted, with a small tan head. Definitely taste the alcohol; the taste is not as sweet as the nose, but still is sweet, though with the tiniest bitterness in the finish. Feels a little thinner than I expected. We like it, though not as much as their Samoa This.
First wrote the review in early November; per the Southern Tier website we paired this with Bananas Foster for Christmas dessert — amazing! — I'd keep the numbers the same, but the pairing is perfect and brings out the best in this beer. I'd also agree with BeerZombies1's review of this beer, that it's better before it warms up too much.
Nov 04, 2018
![Photo of briandgilbert](
3.7 /5 rDev -5.6%
look: 4 | smell: 4 | taste: 3.5 | feel: 3.5 | overall: 3.75
L - nice and dark
S - Has nice smell of sweetness
T - Smell is more noticable than the taste, has a tingy after taste that somewhat hurt the taste
F - Smooth and not thick, wish it had more flavor
O - Ok stout, not great, others are more flavorful and stronger. For 10% ABV I expected more from this.
Nov 01, 2018
![Photo of dcotom](
4.38 /5 rDev +11.7%
look: 4.5 | smell: 4.5 | taste: 4.25 | feel: 4.25 | overall: 4.5
I knew this was going to be awesome as soon as I popped the cap and aromas of caramel and vanilla immediately filled the room. Poured from 12-ounce bottle into a snifter. Deep dark brown in color, with highlights of a caramel-sauce hue and a decent tan head that left some spotty lacing. This smell of this is something that I could never get tired of. As mentioned, huge aromas of caramel and vanilla dominate. These are prominent on the palate as well, with some roasty bitterness and a little sweetness lingering on the aftertaste. This didn't seem to me to be overly sweet, and certainly not cloying. In addition, there doesn't seem to be much alcohol warmth for such a big beer. Dangerously deceptive and decadent. Well done!
Oct 28, 2018
![Photo of Plubard](
4.46 /5 rDev +13.8%
look: 4.25 | smell: 4.5 | taste: 4.5 | feel: 4.25 | overall: 4.5
So much better than it has been reviewed. I wonder if there was an infected batch? Or are people on this site this bad at rating beer?
Anyway, outstanding.
Oct 25, 2018
![Photo of Radome](
4.01 /5 rDev +2.3%
look: 3.5 | smell: 4.25 | taste: 4 | feel: 3.75 | overall: 4
Poured from a 12 oz bottle into a snifter.
L - Pitch black color and opaque, although when swirled in front of a light a clear mahogany can be seen where the liquid is thin. Light tan colored head is thin and wispy even on initial pour. It soon retreats to a ring around the edge and heavy lacing.
S - Deep, rich aromas very reminiscent of desserts. Vanilla, tiramisu, butterscotch, flan, a hint of cinnamon, all spring to mind when trying to unpack the sweet nose of this beer. Conventional beer smells like malt, hops and yeast are too low to make an impact on the nose. Very unusual, but delicious-smelling.
T - Sweet, alcoholic flavors jump to the fore. Tiramisu, creme brulee and flan are all good descriptors. There must be significant hops in the beer, because there is enough bitterness to prevent sweetness, but no hops flavors come through. Also,malt and yeast fail to make major impressions. There is sweetness in the finish, however, along with low alcohol, giving an impression like sipping vanilla extract.
F - Medium body. Low, tingly carbonation. Moderate hops bitterness struggles to make an impact against the dessert-like sweet flavors. There is moderate alcohol presence in the finish, but surprisingly little for a beer of 10% ABV.
O - This is an interesting, and enjoyable beer that delivers what it says on the label. It is a strong, dessert beer with lots of nice qualities and no flaws.
Oct 13, 2018
![Photo of eppCOS](
4.27 /5 rDev +8.9%
look: 4 | smell: 4.5 | taste: 4.25 | feel: 4 | overall: 4.25
Damn. Dessert in a glass, balanced booze for days...
L - Black as death - solid, a little transparency only towards the end of the glass (snifter).
S - This is where CB shines; smells intoxicating, as in Dennis Hopper intoxicating. Put in an oxygen tank. Inhale.
T - A little too sweet overall, which lessens the ability to enjoy more than a small snifter of this, but great winter beer.
F - Good, balanced, not overly carbonated, stays lively.
O - A December-January beer if there ever was one. Gonna have this with pumpkin pie this season!
Oct 11, 2018
![Photo of gcamparone](
3.01 /5 rDev -23.2%
look: 4.25 | smell: 2.5 | taste: 3 | feel: 3 | overall: 3.25
Poured from a 12 oz bottle into a tulip.
Pours a deep brown body with a decent sized tan head that leaves good retention and lacing.
Aromas are odd... buttered popcorn and vanilla? Artificial caramel and vanilla, graham. Taste is a little better with sickeningly sweet, overly artificial vanilla cake and more odd buttered popcorn flavors.
I didn't like this beer. Went to the drain
Sep 29, 2018
Southern Tier Creme Brulee Stout Where to Buy
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